A Letter To My Parents



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Dear Pops & Mumsy,

A few months ago, as you know, I celebrated my 31st Birthday. (Yes, I capitalise Birthday) While I enjoy making the day all about me, the day is really a celebration and reflection on the impact you have made on my life.

Now, you guys probably know me better than most anyone else on this planet and know that I love making my Birthday a big deal because, well, it is a big deal! Birthdays are the days we get to reflect on who we are, the family and friends that surround us, and another year past and recorded down in the books.

But here’s the deal: I want to honor you. 31 years ago, you may have been where I have found myself many times as a young lady. Scared, lost, uncertain, unsure, stressed out, struggling emotionally from time to time, the list really could go on…That’s because as a parent (I am assuming), you never really know if you are doing a good job or not. What really is the metric?

Let me just state for the record: You guys did a great job. I hope you take some pride in that.

I’m not even referring to how you put shoes on my feet, food in my belly, and clothes on my back. That was just what you had to do…as my parents. That’s permission to play in the parenting game if you ask me. You did what you had to do to provide and for that I am eternally grateful. That’s all listed in the job requirements. What isn’t listed, but should be, is the emotional support, encouragement, and unrelenting love you have shown me to help me become the girl I am today.

So today, I want to say thank you. THANK YOU for who you are, what you’ve been to me in my life and all the things you’ve sacrificed over the years to raise me. It takes more than clothing, food, and a home to sleep in to be a good parent. And while you succeeded in those areas in meeting my needs, you truly excelled in the other areas.

I have never felt a day where I was not loved by you. I have never lost sleep over wondering if you cared about me. I have never had a fleeting thought that you wouldn’t support me in my decisions, because you always tend to help me make them. I value your opinions, I respect your place in my life, and I thank you for all of it. Thirty-one years have past since you first heard my cry and I know you still hear it in your sleep sometimes because a good parent always hears their children’s cries in the night.

Your hearts ache when mine does. Your smiles cover your faces when mine covers mine. Joy fills your hearts when you see that mine is full. You cry when I cry. You celebrate when I celebrate. THAT is what makes you GREAT, world-class parents.

You made mistakes along the way and that’s okay. You’re still only human. But quite frankly, you’re some of the best damn humans I’ve had the opportunity and privilege to know. I thank God you were selected and chosen to be my parents because you’ve made some amazing ones.

I’m not trying to say you’ve raised the perfect lady and I probably haven’t always been the best daughter, but I want to just say thank you.

Thank you for all you’ve done. I simply cannot find enough words to say it.

“Thank you.”


Your Girl … Becky

My secret garden … Meaning ….

Being in digital marketing & having to be active on “social media” which means I am forever posting pics, updates and comments. These are mostly “surface level” I am a really private person. Yes, an extrovert but for me to expose my true soul takes a trust rarely found… I don’t let people in …
Hence my chosen song ….
I think this is one of the most beautiful love songs ever written, probably because it is so applicable to me…. the meaning isn’t always obvious to everyone.

It’s about a woman who wants to be deeply in love with a man, but will she ever let him close enough to see the real her. She’s always that little bit scared to let her guard down, because she can’t completely trust anyone yet she is capable of a beautiful and gentle love.
She needs more from him, before she can let him all the way in. Basically like any relationship he’s got to prove that he won’t hurt her before she gives her everything to him. “But into her secret garden, don’t think twice” that’s me in a nutshell … Will I ever trust enough to fall.. I hope so … Here are the lyrics … Music video here

She’ll let you in her house
If you come knockin’ late at night
She’ll let you in her mouth if the
Words you say are right

If you pay the price
She’ll let you deep inside
But there’s a secret garden she hides

She’ll let you in her car
To go drivin’ round
She’ll let you into the parts of herself
That’ll bring you down

She’ll let you in herheart
If you got a hammer and a vise
But into her secret garden, don’t think twice

You’ve gone a million miles
How far’d you get to that place where
You can’t remember and you can’t forget

She’ll lead you down a path
There’ll be tenderness in the air
She’ll let you come just far enough
So you know she’s really there
She’ll look at you and smile
And her eyes will say
She’s got a secret garden
Where everything you want
Where everything you need
Will always stay a million miles away
